What is MEDIA?
The term “media” refers to a wide range of communication channels that are used to spread information to a large audience. It features platforms for social interaction, news, entertainment, and advertising. There are many different types of media, including print, broadcast, digital, and social media. Newspapers, periodicals, books, and brochures are examples of print media. Radio and television are examples of broadcast media. All types of media that are distributed using electronic devices are considered to be digital media.The media has a significant impact on how the public feels and how people behave and think. To ensure effective communication with the intended audience, it is crucial to keep up with the most recent media trends and advances.

What is SOCIETY?
A society is a collection of people who live in the same area and have similar habits, traditions, and religious beliefs. The way individuals live, work, and engage with one another is shaped by a complex web of relationships, interactions, and institutions. People have a sense of identity, purpose, and belonging thanks to society. Rules, norms, and values are established in order to define what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. Additionally, it provides chances for people to interact, build relationships, and take part in group activities like politics, the arts, and sports. Historical, cultural, and economic variables influence how society is structured, which is a dynamic process.

What makes a good media society?
A healthy media culture encourages accountability, diversity, and truthfulness. In order to ensure that media content is truthful, balanced, and respectful of other perspectives and experiences, it should prioritize the creation and consumption of ethical and responsible content. The promotion of media literacy and critical thinking abilities among consumers, as well as the ability for people to interact with media content in a deliberate and productive way, are further features of a good media culture. A good media society recognizes the need of fostering better empathy and understanding across cultures and communities and promotes diversity of voices and opinions. Media may positively influence our society by fostering greater social responsibility, understanding, and social justice by placing a high priority on these ideals.

What is toxic media?
Toxic social media refers to toxic individuals’ excessive consumption of unpleasant content and opinions on social media via numerous outlets until it begins to impact the psyche, causing excessive thinking and anxiety, reduced self-esteem and increased likelihood of depression. It is more common in youths and those involved in the production of advertising media. Toxic is not only in everyday life, but it will also enter the online world, where it will be toxic as a result of many toxic people coming together to make the poison more toxic. Of course, the platform is shared with the owner. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all wildly utilized because social media is a platform that anybody may access (if there is an internet) and it is not always essential to identify their identity, leading many people to engage in toxic behaviors without accepting much responsibility. For their own conduct, whether it is cyber bullying or manufacturing fake news, attacking others, having negative attitudes, discriminating against others, using profanity, and expression personal ideas that distort reasoning are all examples;e of appropriate behavior to causing unusual online trends, but it is interesting that some groups of individuals who agree with each other encourage each other. Causing us to see logic, unusual concepts, and dramatic things and things that should not be dramatic, but it is to produce strange currents that are unlikely to make sense. However, many individuals follow, such as those who consume raw food or conduct pranks on TikTok. In addition to influencing the online world, it also has an impact on people in real life, especially the system of thinking. All are the result of being poisoned on social media. Controlling the online world is difficult. As a result, we would not advise someone to crease watching internet media since it would be difficult in this day and age. It is difficult to navigate the online world without coming across these toxic individuals. However, if we are making a preliminary recommendation, that is, if it is very toxic, we may have to stop playing during that time and do other activities; if we have been toxic so much that it causes stress both people’s logic, strange currents, to arguing with people online, doing a social media detox of leaving the online world for a while can help. Finally, what do you do on the internet? We want to consider whether what you are doing makes sense. Will it cause any problem of not? Do not act cool, start unusual trends that others will imitate, and have negative effects because of the internet. We are no longer being followed as we were previously. Having a visible digital footprint ca become a personal stigma. We have seen numerous cases of people who have their future because of their recklessness online.

The role of media in a society?
Currently, as technology advances, this has resulted in a shift in the format of internet media to play a role in the news reporting of journalists who previously had to report news via radio, television, and newspapers until the need to report via social media to people in society. In addition to receiving news from traditional media such as newspapers, use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, radio and television broadcasts. The introduction if such social media has resulted in a shift in public’s news-receiving habit because almost everyone owns a mobile phone with a screen, so various news organizations’ reports will use social media to supplement their traditional media. It is a new route for the creation of internet news outlets such as The Matter and The Standard. However, When there are many technologies, many people and groups use social media as a communication channel and set themselves up to be the media. When it comes to the role of the media, it is the most instructive on a global scale because everything depends on it. The media must always provide the most informative and accurate new in any situation. The media is crucial to political life in democracies. It provides facts to help us become more informed about the subjects that are important to us. It allows for criticism and debate in order to ensure that knowledge is vetted and analyze from all perspectives. If it gives incorrect information, there must be legal, a justice, and a political problem that is generating disorder and upsetting and equilibrium state. As a result, the media is critical in balancing all aspects of our society. It is critical in providing consistent information. The media has a significant impact on society. It also has a significant impact on the opinions of people living in a culture. The media’s primary and most visible duty is to disseminate information that can assist people educate themselves about what is going on in the world. We must ensure that promoting media development is judged not only by the quantity of outlets, but also by quality of coverage and reporting. We must urge journalists to attain the greatest professional standards. From political news to crime news, the media covers it all so that everyone is informed of the world in which they live. As a result, it goes without saying that the media must conduct comprehensive investigation and only provide factual news in order to aid in the intentional evolution of society.

What is the importance of social media and society?
With billions of users worldwide using different social media platforms to communicate, share information, and interact with others, social media has freeze its place as a base component of contemporary society. The emergence of social media has had a significant impact on society, altering how we interact with others, communicate and get information. We should discuss the significance of social media for society in this article.
Social media has completely changed how we communicate with others. Many people now rely heavily on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to communicate with friends or family throughout the world. No matter where they are in the world, keep in touch with people is now simpler than ever thanks to social media. As a result, communication is easier than obtain and more efficient, enabling people to keep in touch even they are far away.
Information sharing: The ability for individuals and businesses to freely and swiftly share information has revolutionized information sharing. News stories, videos, and image can be published on social media platforms to draw attention to important issues and occasionally. Social media has also offered a voice to people who might not have otherwise had a platform to express their ideas and stories. A greater range of opinion and perspectives can now be heard as a result.

Empowerment: people and groups who have historically been criticized or excluded from mainstream media have the potential to become more powerful thanks to social media. It enables individuals to connect with others who had similar situations and to share their opinions and stories. This been crucial for social justice movements that have used social media to advocate for change and build public awareness. People may now interact with others who share their opinions, plan protest and events, and foster a sense of belonging and agreement thanks to social media.

Political Engagement: Social media has developed into a crucial tool for political engagement, enabling people to voice their thoughts and interact with their elected authorities. Protest planing, political campaign promotion, and social change advocacy have all too used social media. Politicians and political parties can now communicate with their composition and reach new audiences due to social media. Because of this, politics are now more approachable and transparent, which has led to an informed and involved electorate.

Business and Marketing: Social media has completely change how companies advertise their goods and services. Instagram, TikTok and Facebook are just a few of social media sites that have evolved into crucial marketing tools for companies looking to expand their customers base. Due to the business’ ability to use data to identify and target particular audiences, social media has also made it possible for marketing to be more precisely targeted.

Entertainment: For many people, social media is now main source of entertainment, with sites like Instagram’s reels, TikTok and Youtube offering a never-ending supply of memes, videos, and other types of content. Social media has made it possible for entertainment to be more participate with users can communicate with content producers and take part in trends and challenges.

How has social media has positively affected society?
Social media significantly modified society and produced a number of positive changes. The use of social media to improve communication is only one of the many ways it has improved society. According to social media, people may now absolutely contact with the one another wherever they are in the world. It has enabled individuals to maintain contact with far-flung family and friends and create new friendships based on common interest. People can now access to share knowledge on a worldwide scale due to social media. As a result, more people are aware of understanding significant issues and they have access to a variety of opinions and viewpoints that they might not have otherwise had. Social media has also given organizations and entrepreneurs new chance to connect with customers and market their goods and services. Additionally, with the emergence of new professional categories like social media managers and digital markers, it has created new employment opportunities. Social media has made it easier for people to get involved in politics and to be activists, giving them a forum to meet other like-minded people, plan rallies and events, and promote social change. Last but not lease, social media has given people a forum for political action and involvement, enabling them to network with like-minded people, plan protests and events, and promote social change. Overall, social media has had a good impact on society in many ways, including through enhancing communication, disseminating information, creating opportunities for business and employment, and promoting political participation.

How has social media has negatively affected society?
Social media is on of the extremely essential factors for human beings in the present, but the excessive use of social media on electronic devices can cause several physical and mental health issues. It can cause social addiction and affect the body and mind. It can further lead to anxiety, depression, stress, ADHD and bipolar disorder. Let’s discuss more about excessive use of social media and being extremely addicted to screens, social media, chatting, which may unconsciously lead to negative impact. For instance, It can decrease interaction so sometimes you should put down the phone in order to communicate more with the person in front of you. It also causes extreme craving for more attention such as wanting more like easily getting distracted from the target since you spend all day using social media. Furthermore, It can cause the failure of a relationship due to the causes of jealousy, trust issues, and eventually break up. Moreover, social media addiction can lead you to meet keyboard gangsters and experience rude word, insults, and various blame and also suffer form the comparison of their own life and others on online platforms according to the good side of people when they post the story or picture online. Additionally, you might face the difficult sleeping that will affect your sleep schedule. Consequently, I would recommend you to stop using your phone approximately 15-30 minutes before bed time. Last but not least, there is no privacy of your own life and information when you are addicted to social media because the information posted online will remain on the internet forever or can be called “digital footprint”. These behaviors can further lead to numerous disorders such as Eye floaters and Nomophobia. To get to know more about eye floater, currently macular degeneration does not only happen to the elderly, but it can also be found to the working age, teenager, and young people because of the excessive screen usage habits. Macular degeneration is a condition in which small dots are seen floating around, varying in shape and size, such as small black dots or could-like large circles, which the patient may find to be small dots. It can be many dots at once, or only one or two large dots occur and are clearly visible when viewed against a bright background.

The things that should be gotten rid of in media society?
In the digital world or social media, these are numerous things that we should banned and get rid of such as hackers, freedom of speech, fake news, private information, cyberbullying, and etc. Firstly, the hacker is the most dangerous thing on social media ever because they can threaten you, expose you, and sell your private information. Nowadays, social media has become so common and it has been affecting in various scale, not only small scale but also politics on a national level. There is one case study that hackers can be the most of the hackers can be the most important factor that lead to severe disaster which is Russian cyberattacks in the last election that threw the American news media into a frenzy. It has reported the most of the hackers came from Twitter. Social media platform have become a staple in our society and are a key form of communication for most of us. If we do not do something soon, the consequences could be catastrophic. Secondly, freedom of speech on social media has been out of control since there is an open area for everyone to express their thought and beliefs, share their ideas, and criticize others. That is sound good things right, meanwhile, it could be a special weapons for some individual as well. Some people might use this little gab attacks others. I suggest each social media platform to has some limitations for online platforms usage. Freedom of speech is good, but it can also be a double-edged sword. Furthermore, fake news has currently become a common things on social media, which is should not be like that. Any fake news of Donald Trump dead leads to numerous stocks falling and another cases, when the celebrities were attacked by fake news, it is quite hard for netizens to get the truths after they received the fake news since the fake news spread way more easier and faster than the truths which could impact their reputation and image. Moreover, private information is one of important things that should be gotten rid of in social media. As you all know, any private thing we must not post on social media since it can be searched in anytime and anywhere, it might can be on the social media forever even though you might delete it already which leads to the danger that might comes to you. For example, the location might makes you get kidnapped from the strangers that stalk s your social media account, and the national ID and passport information maybe can make you be a suspect in a crime or any trouble without you knowing it. Consequently, you all must do not post anything private online. Lastly, the most vital thing that should be prohibited is cyberbullying. It is extremely the biggest issues online. As I mentioned above, some individuals might use freedom of speech to abuse other that might leads the victim to get several health problems such as depression, anxiety, and bi-polar. In the worse case, some people have suicided themselves caused from the cyberbullying by keyboard gangster who use anonymous name and picture. Keyboard gangster might use rude words, discrimination, comparison, and any judging phase to attack individuals that they do not like. To wrap up, There is various things that I cannot express all of the things that should be gotten rid of, but I suggest on social media in every online platforms should have gatekeepers and limitations for each platforms usage to prevent any negative impact on individuals and society.

Discuss the relationship between sociology and media society platform?
In recent years, substantial study and analysis has been done on the significant and intricate relationship between sociology and the media. Sociology is the study of social structures, institutions, and processes that influence social behavior in human society. The term “media,” on the other hand, refers to the different means of communication that people use to spread information and ideas. These include both conventional media, like print, radio, and television, as well as contemporary media, like the internet, social media, and mobile devices.
The examination of media effects is one way sociology and media interact. When someone is exposed to media content, their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors may change in various ways. Sociologists have researched a variety of media effects, including how violent media affects aggression and how political news coverage affects public opinion. Such study has illuminated the nuanced interactions between media content and people’s social and cultural backgrounds to result in a variety of consequences.
The influence of media on the development of social norms and values is another crucial topic of research in the interaction between sociology and media. Media content can reflect broader cultural attitudes and ideas as well as current social hierarchies and power systems, reinforcing or challenging them. For instance, how individuals see and interact with one another can be greatly influenced by how race, gender, and sexual orientation are represented in the media. As a result, sociologists have looked at how media content can support or contradict current social norms and values and how this may have broader ramifications for social and political outcomes.

Sociologists have also concentrated on how media organizations and companies function as a component of larger social and economic systems. For instance, they have researched the effects of media ownership concentration on the public dialogue and media content. They have also looked at how larger economic and political issues like neoliberalism and globalization affect the media sectors. Such studies shed light on the nuanced interactions between media and larger societal structures and institutions.
Last but not least, the development of digital media platforms in recent years has created new opportunities for investigation into the interaction between sociology and media. Particularly social media platforms have fundamentally changed how individuals engage and communicate with one another and have had a big impact on social and political results. Thus, sociologists have investigated how social media affects public opinion, social movements, new forms of social capital, and social inequality.
In conclusion, the connection between sociology and media is intricate and multidimensional, having significant ramifications for our comprehension of social structure and behavior in human society. Sociologists can shed light on the complex and significant ways in which media interact with social life by examining how media shape social norms and values, reflect and reinforce existing social hierarchies and power structures, and function as a component of larger social and economic systems.

Tips for using the media in a better way
In the world we live in today, the media has a bigger and bigger impact on how we see and comprehend the world. While the media can offer insightful and useful information, it can also spread false information and sensationalism. Here are some pointers for improved media usage:
Be conscious of your media consuming practices first. It’s simple to get sucked into the never-ending flood of news and information, but it’s crucial to stop, reflect, and assess the sources and content of what you’re taking in. Be aware of the media outlet’s bias and point of view, and think about finding supplementary information to round out your understanding.
Second, evaluate what you read and hear critically. Never accept anything at face value; always check the credibility of the sources, reasoning, and data used in media content. Look for reliable, fact-checked, and open sources that report on their findings. Think about the media outlet’s and the people who created the content’s motivations and interests.
Third, broaden the range of media you use. Try to look for a variety of media sources and viewpoints, including any that could contradict your own. You may learn more about intricate problems and subjects as a result.
Fourth, be aware of how media can affect your mental health and general wellbeing. Constantly being exposed to bad news and information can be detrimental to your outlook and mood. Think about taking breaks from media use and participating in positive and uplifting activities.
Finally, a critical and thoughtful attitude is necessary for utilizing the media in a better way. You can make more informed and impartial decisions about the data you take in and the viewpoints you engage with by being conscious of your media consumption patterns, being critical of what you read and hear, diversifying your media sources, and being aware of the effects of media on your mental health and wellbeing.

conclusion and call to action
In conclusion, the media is very important in influencing how we perceive and comprehend the world. But as media consumers, it’s critical to be mindful of our media consumption habits and to be aware of any potential biases and limitations in the media’s content. We may become more informed and active citizens by looking for reliable and diverse sources, challenging the claims made in media content, and being aware of how media affects our mental health and wellbeing.
Furthermore, it is our duty as individuals and members of society to hold media organizations accountable for the truthfulness, openness, and morality of their reporting. Supporting independent and nonprofit media organizations, conversing with them about their reporting processes, and promoting laws and rules that encourage ethical and responsible journalism are all examples of how to do this.
In the end, the media has the ability to educate, motivate, and improve society. But it is our responsibility as media users and engaged citizens to make sure the media lives up to its potential and promotes the general welfare. We may contribute to the creation of a more informed, just, and democratic society by exercising critical and conscious judgment when consuming media and by taking part in meaningful discussion and action.