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In many people mind, having an acne condition is embarrassing. There are many young people, both sexes included, who have facial acne, and some of them leave markings that bother you and alter how your face looks. And is anyone wondering why each person has acne in different areas? Some people may have pimples on their chin, others may have pimples on their cheeks, or some people may have pimples all over their face. In addition, some people may have acne repeatedly in the same area until it becomes a deep black mark that is difficult to treat. In the treatment of acne or black marks, the acne still has different methods depending on the area where the acne occurred, because on our faces we have thick skin and thin skin. If a laser is involved, it is necessary to use an expert to do it.

The answer to the question why acne occurs on different areas of the face is that the causes of acne are different. We will divide the area on the face into 14 parts as shown in the attached picture
  • Areas 1 and 3 (Forehead)

When pimples appear on the forehead, it implies that there is a problem with the bladder or digestive system, and these organs are refusing to eat heavy, fatty, or quick meals. So, to aid in digestion, maintain the appropriate hydration of the body, and then rid it of toxins, experts urge you to minimize the amount of fat in foods and drink lots of water and green tea.

You should change your eating habits easily, such as eating green leafy vegetables or fruits, and you should set a goal of how much water you should drink per day, which can be calculated.

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The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is :

About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men

About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women

These suggestions include fluids from food, beverages, and water. Typically, food accounts for around 20% of daily fluid intake and beverages for the remaining 80%.

  • Between the eyebrows (area 2)

According to science, if pimples develop in the middle of the brow area, the liver is not functioning normally in the body. Consider your food choices and create a healthy lifestyle according to the right activity if you have food allergies, which start to show symptoms notably in the area below the middle of the front. You must be meticulous in choosing foods that are suitable for you in order to reduce acne between your eyebrows.

For example, if you are allergic to fried foods, you should reduce your intake so that your body does not become allergic and affect acne. In addition, you should add simple exercises to your routine, such as taking your dog for a walk in the park or aerobics at home. You should exercise regularly to keep your body balanced.

  • Zones 4 and 10

Ear skin is sensitive and is commonly associated with the kidney system. If you notice heat and inflammation in your ear, this could be a sign of kidney pressure. Tight hats or tight headbands absorb oil and sweat from the head and ears, resulting in ear pimples or accumulation of bacteria, especially uncleaned headphones, which can cause pimples. This includes inserting a finger that may be contaminated with bacteria into the ear. What’s more, the unthinkable cause is stress that can cause the body to sweat too much or cause the hormones that help produce oil in the body to malfunction. Because the ear is a delicate organ and difficult to see. Pimples on the ear need to be handled with care.

However, treating pimples in these areas is similar to treatment for other areas, and the following behavioral changes may help your skin return to its health faster.

  • Do not pick, scratch or squeeze pimples on the ears.
  • Avoid touching acne-prone skin areas.
  • Clean around the ears with mild soap.
  • Avoid hair and skin products that cause irritation.
  • Use acne medication, body lotions, or cleanse the acne-affected area with caution as it can dry out the skin.

  • Area 6 and 8

From the corners of the eyes to the temples on both sides is a problem with the “liver”. 

The spread of pimples in these two areas, “the tips of the right and left eyes,” is completely related to the kidney system and the body’s self-purification process. This could be a sign that the body is having difficulty normalizing the vagina, resulting in a slight inflammation of the eye and the spread of dark circles. Drink at least 8 cups of pure water to help your body detox.

In addition, This type of acne tends to appear around the eyes. Milia, also known as stone acne, are small bumps on the skin that are mostly white or yellow. Often found in clusters along the cheekbones, eyelids, under the eyes and nose, the cause is caused by the aggregation of dead skin cells (keratin) and does not fall off. When combined with the sebum released by the sebaceous glands on the face, it makes the skin thicker and harder to turn skin cells and may feel a little irritating. This type of acne can happen to people of all ages to infants as well.

  • Area 7

Everything related to the heart and its symptoms appears in the area 7 of the face, which includes the nose and mustache. If you notice any redness or blisters in these areas, you should check your blood pressure and the presence of an adequate amount of vitamin B in your body. It is also recommended to consume omega-3-rich foods and limit red meat consumption, which is a major cause of cardiovascular disease.

On the other hand, you should keep track of the nose skin to ensure that the pores are not closed and that there are no blackheads, as not completely removing makeup leads to the closure of pores and the appearance of pimples on the nose.

  • Areas 5 and 9

Because the spread of pimples on the cheek is linked to respiratory diseases, people who smoke are the most susceptible to pimples on the cheek. If you are a nonsmoker with no allergies, eat healthy foods and avoid junk food, as this could be another cause of cheek acne.

How to treat acne on the cheeks is mainly treated with topical medications. If the symptoms are severe, medications may be used in conjunction with other procedures such as acne extraction as an alternative treatment that can only be used in conjunction with medication.

  • Zones 11 and 13

The formation of pimples on the jawline and bottom of the cheeks could be caused by abrupt hormonal changes in the body, such as those experienced by women during their menstrual cycle. They are also seen in cases of major dental surgery and poor oral health. We recommend that you boost your calcium intake, practice good oral and dental hygiene, and eat more vegetables and fruits.

  • Area 12

Acne or abnormal hair growth in the chin area indicates a hormonal imbalance in the body.

Hormonal acne is caused by abnormal functioning of the endocrine system, which results in increased levels of testosterone and stimulates the sebaceous glands on the face to produce more sebum than usual, which clog pores. Pollution from the environment, dust and pollution. This is usually caused by the accumulation of dirt on the chin area. If you don’t wash your face properly, it can inflame your chin acne even more. Moreover, wearing a face mask repeatedly, a face mask is an accumulation of dirt. Repeated use will cause more dirt to accumulate on the chin area. And if washing your face is not clean, it will cause an accumulation of bacteria and dirt, especially the cosmetics that we use every day, may become clogged and cause acne to form on the chin.

  •  Area 14

Acne in the neck area could be an indication that the body is combating microorganisms and resisting sickness. To conquer them, you should engage in relaxation and deep breathing techniques, which aid in the concealment of pimples in this area.

Use a shampoo that does not contain silicone. Such substances can clog pores very easily. It can help reduce the chances of acne on the neck and most importantly, blow dry your hair every time to reduce dampness. Choose to wear clothes that are lightweight to reduce moisture. Try wearing cotton or linen as they are light and comfortable fabrics.

Thereby, there is no need to be frustrated by acne on any side of the face, because it is a disease that can be cured. But, you should visit a doctor to evaluate the causes of acne and the best treatment for your specific case. You should be very attentive and take good care of the skin, as well as face and hand miniaturization. Overlooking to care for your face and neck, as well as your entire body, may be the reason for the emergence of broadcast acne.

If you are currently reading, what areas do you have pimples on? Share in the comments with your friends and apply the tricks that you have applied to yourself. Don't forget to share the results with your friends in the comments !!

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