“Real change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
― Roy T. Bennett
Life feels secure and comfortable when we are in our comfort zone. Finding the motivation to leave is difficult more often than we’d like to acknowledge. But, the more we stay in our comfort zones, the more chances we lose to truly engage with human experience.
Opportunities to venture outside of one’s comfort zone are abundant in life but seizing them can be challenging.
Lack of understanding its benefits is one of an issue. After all, why would we try to give up the experience of comfort if it indicates that our most basic needs are being met?
What’s comfort zone? According to wikipedia, comfort zone is a psychological state in which things feel familiar to a person and they are at ease and (perceive they are) in control of their environment, experiencing low levels of anxiety and stress.
People rarely try new things or face problems while they are in their comfort zone. They exclusively partake in familiar activities, which gives them a sense of “control” over their surroundings.
Individuals avoid painful or anxious feelings by staying in their comfort zones. Each activity that pushes us beyond of our comfort zones causes uncertainty, and uncertainty makes us anxious. Humans are wired to naturally avoid unpleasant emotions. They find it difficult to leave their comfort zone as a result.
And why should they, anyway? As comfortable as it may seem, this protective bubble prevents people from developing personally and from doing the actions they desire but lack the courage to take.

Here’s six ways to get out of your comfort zone!
- Carry out your desire
You’re not the only one who has a list of things you wanted to do for a long time but haven’t gotten around to. Many people have “bucket lists” that include important experiences and objectives they hope to achieve. Choose one thing you’ve always wanted to do and give it a go as a challenge. - Take on a fitness challenge Together with helping you step outside of your comfort zone, fitness challenges enhance your physical health and wellbeing. According to studies, regular exercise lessens the impact of stress on the body and reduces anxiety. This makes it simpler for you to venture outside of your comfort zone because the anxiety it causes is one of the obstacles to doing so.
- Enhance your professional skill Comfort zones may prevent you from developing professionally. For instance, becoming overly at ease in a position you’ve outgrown can prevent you from progressing in your profession. Learning new talents that provide you a competitive advantage and increase your employability is one approach to step outside of your comfort zone. Use the learning and development resources provided by your company to upgrade your talents and gain those that are in-demand in your sector.
- Face your fear! Choose one fear that is now preventing you, and face it. You can begin with a simple task. For instance, if you’re shy around people, stand up more in meetings at work.
- Travel somewhere new One of the finest ways to push yourself outside of your comfort zone is to travel. It’s not just entertaining; it also opens your eyes. One of the most enjoyable experiences is learning about a different culture, language, and way of life since it opens your eyes to new ideas and challenges your way of thinking.
- Change up your routine A routine based on constructive habits provides consistency and aids in task completion.
Why is it hard to get out of the comfort zone?
The comforting temptation
The comfort zone has a powerful draw even when we wish to improve. People will naturally want to stay there because it is convenient and safe.
Fear and uncertainty
You feel safe since everything is predictable where you are comfortable. When you take the same route to work every day, for instance, you are aware of exactly what to anticipate.
Uncertainty surrounds you whenever you consider stepping outside of or increasing your comfort zone. Also, uncertainty equals risk, which makes you fearful.
So, fear prevents you from taking action even though you are aware that you have outgrown your comfort zone. For instance, you can be afraid of failing if you decide to pursue a different job route.
Regular habits Because our behavior is set, successful behavioral change is challenging. We tend to get stuck into fixed habits the more we repeat particular activities.
For instance, if you’ve been sleeping irregularly for years, it will be challenging at first to wake up at 6 am every morning.
Fixed mindset
If you have a fixed attitude, you’ll persuade yourself that you lack the abilities to do or achieve something. You become less inclined to hunt for chances to develop and pick up new abilities as a result.
Instead, you say things like “I can’t do that” or “That’s not something I’m excellent at” as a justification for staying in your comfort zone.
This style of thinking prevents you from stepping outside of your comfort zone and facing difficulties.
Stepping out of your comfort zone can be a challenging and transformative experience. When you live your comfort zone, you are exposing yourself to new and unfamiliar experiences, which can lead to personal growth and development. Here are some potential outcomes of living outside your comfort zone:
- At first, you could feel uneasy or worried, but as you meet and overcome obstacles, your confidence will rise.
- You’ll pick up new abilities and knowledge that can enhance both your career and personal development.
- Your social network will grow as a result of the chance to meet new people, which may open up new experiences and chances for you.
- When you learn to adjust to novel and unexpected circumstances, your sense of resilience will develop.
- You’ll be able to break free from limiting beliefs and habits, allowing you to achieve new levels of success and fulfillment.
Overall, living outside your comfort zone can be a powerful way to overcome fear, build confidence, and create positive change in your life.
Steps of getting of your comfort zone
Here are five basic actions that will make stepping outside of your comfort zone easier.
- Evaluate what lies within and outside your comfort zone.
Think deeply for a moment and consider what it’s like to living in your comfort zone. Make a list of all the features of your current circumstance, both good and bad, together with how they make you feel. Then, list everything that is outside of your comfort zone. They can include all of your desires, objectives, and aspirations. Make a list of how it would feel to go against your comfort zone and fulfill your aspirations. You can find the drive you need to step beyond of your comfort zone and acquire insight into your emotions by writing. - Set personal goals Set S.M.A.R.T. personal goals to aid in stepping outside of your comfort zone. For instance, obtaining a master’s degree within five years is a career objective that will support your personal and professional development.
- Specify your precise objectives, list them, and explain how achieving each one will benefit you. Creating goals helps you develop a personal picture of how your life could be and provides you a sense of direction.
- Take action! Getting out of your comfort zone can seem challenging. Overanalyzing it and planning too far in advance can make you feel overwhelmed and lead to procrastination.
- Develop a cheerful outlook on life. Having the correct attitude is essential when stepping outside of your comfort zone. A positive mental attitude entails taking a positive approach to every situation and problem in life. Here are some tips for maintaining a cheerful outlook in the face of uncertainty:
- Be kind to yourself when you make mistakes.
- Reframe difficulties as chances
- Establish high standards.
- Consider each misstep a learning
- Confront your limiting beliefs and develop your optimism.
However, there’re some few tips to help you get out of your comfort zone
- have fun with it
- change the way we think
- celebrate your success
- stop overthinking
In conclusion, getting out of your comfort zone can be challenging, but it is necessary for personal growth and development. It requires a willingness to take risks and embrace discomfort, but the rewards can be immense.
Start by identifying your comfort zone and the areas where you would like to grow. Then, set achievable goals and take small steps towards them. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and seek out new experiences that push you out of your comfort zone.
Remember, getting out of your comfort zone is not a one-time event but a continuous process of growth and learning. Celebrate your successes, learn from your failures, and keep pushing yourself towards new challenges.
With time and persistence, you can expand your comfort zone and develop new skills, strengths, and perspectives. Embrace the discomfort, and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.