As you may have heard, when it comes to the word “Korean series”, the first definition that probably comes to your mind is about the romantic or traditional things. Because some of producers try to repeat and create the same plot again and again, it leads to the stereotypes of K-series that it emphasizes too much on romantic plots and affect people’s perceptions. However, in this day and age, most Korean series have made it obvious that they try to portray many genres diversely such as focusing more on each occupation in specific.
Some of you are confused or hesitate about a future career or loss of passion to boost yourselves. But you may wonder that it has other ways more than searching on the internet which is not realistic or provide too much straight information those careers. The way of watching K-series can be soft power and help at this point to easily find more on future career or inspire yourselves. After reading this, it will provide on many occupations diversely in society, some series analysis, and recommendations which suitable in each type.
“Read this, Get inspired!“
1. It will deeply inform about those occupations.
To illustrate, it provides various aspects of those occupations, such as how this occupation is related to, what they do, or even the difficulties they will face or the benefits of working in this field. Thus, this can illustrate in an authentic way or easy to digest of working in a specific field more than searching on the internet.

- Law school (2021)
Recommend for those who are interested in law aspect
This series is related to the student’s life in a law school. During the mock trial law class, a professor is found dead unexpectedly, but the point is a professor in a law school became a suspected person in this case, so the students brainstormed to find the real murderer. This series emphasizes the processing of justice and law in Korea work in specific. Plus, it shows the difficulties of being a lawyer or prosecutor such as “As a lawyer, how can I conduct a case for serial or bad killers?” this series will provide an obvious answer for you.
- Start-up (2020)
Recommend for those who are interested in the business aspect
This series is associated with the childhood memories of the 3 main characters. After that, they met in the business project called “Sand box” a place that provides many groups to create their technology projects to attract the angel visitors who give some recommendations and support money for each group to develop their projects. This series focuses on the initial process of brainstorming round until they grow as members working in a big technology company. In terms of technical terms, this provides many business words to adapt and use in real life such as Venture Capital or Round. If you do not know the definition, you can watch this to inform more information in the business community.
- Pinocchio (2014)
Recommend for those who are interested in journalism aspect
This series is also related to the childhood memories of the 2 main characters. But the important point is how journalists can destroy someone’s life by using news as a tool. This series will provide not only the disadvantages side but also the advantages side of working in the journalism field. What are the effects of journalists who focus merely on the rapid content but not fact-checking and how do intern journalists obtain information on time? This series will help a lot at this point to understand this career both in positive and negative ways.
2. It will show more unknown occupations in our society.
To clarify, you will see the repetition of ubiquitous occupations such as a doctor, accountant, or teacher in our society. But this type of series will give you more occupations that you may not have heard of before which might be an interesting choice in the future. So, this is one of the reasons showing more diversity of people in society and getting out of the box of being known only a short range of occupations in society.

- Forecasting love & weather (2022)
Represent of Forecasters
You may have heard about the forecasters who predict the weather for us in part of news time but how they work in this field is they just only predict the weather for us. Through this series, it informs about occupations called “Forecasters” who is working in meteorological administration not just predict the weather, but it has many aspects information of this career such as Korea is one of the most which has difficulty factors disrupt the forecasters and also if forecasters depict wrong of weather how it affects both in microscope and macroscope to society.
- It’s okay to not be okay (2021)
Represent of caretaker in a psychiatric ward
This series mostly portray and focus on the psychological field, especially the 3 main characters. The first lead role is faced with the anti-social disorder, the second lead role is caretaker in a psychiatric ward to take care of his brothers who is faced with Autistic disorder. This series will show how caretakers in psychiatric hospitals do in everyday life such as taking patients to activity classes or giving advice for the patients who face some psychological problems.
- Partners for justice (2018)
Represent of a forensic doctor
This series shows how forensic doctors do their work in detail. From initiate that how a forensic obtain or see the case in a spot where the accident happened to the process of performing the autopsy. Because this career is quite unknown, sensitive, and hard to find for more information, this series will inform all about the process in form of series to reduce more scary content or sensitive information. Plus, the lead role as a forensic doctor works correspondingly with the prosecutor it shows how these two careers work to solve the case.
3. It might be suitable for those who want to get inspired or boost themselves from a lack of passion in everyday life.
Due to pandemics, some of you might lack inspiration or encouragement to achieve your goals. Watching media content could help you to fulfill your esteem and self-actualization according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Social Needs. As people can consume media in many ways such as to entertain, get self-esteem from watching media, and people being inspired from watching it. Many series contain good feelings and comfort words that can inspire the audience.

- Racket boys (2021)
Recommend for who want some inspiration to reach your goals
This series is related to the road growth of the boys’ badminton team which they struggle with being form team of only 3 people. However, they need to survive and involve in a big competition. Through this series, you will see how they come up again from the most struggle of being athletes or how the small team from local school can compete with other teams in a big league. The inspiration and encouragement from themselves and friends play an integral role at this point and portray difficulties that athletes might face before or during the competition.
- Fight for my way (2017)
Recommend for those who lack passion in life
This series is associated with all the main lead roles needed to achieve their new dreams although the old one is unsuccessful, unrealistic, and some might need to change because of lack of money to support. Its focus is on achieving dreams in many fields in a world of high competition, capitalism, and individualism to survive in society. The realistic is all the main lead roles are salarymen fighting for their ways to achieve their dreams. This will help you get more passion and inspiration of being human to want to survive in a competitive world correspondingly to reach your dreams.
All in all, you may have some guidelines of why you should watch the occupation K-series such as finding some interesting new occupations as your choices. It has many types of occupation K-series such as sport, journalist, or psychologist. Besides, occupation K-series provide advantages in many ways as it has some athletes being inspired of watching this and becoming the athletes in the national team. Watching K-series can be one of the ways to help you get deeper, describe as a picture, help to better understand those occupations easier, and have been used as soft power that unconsciously affects your actions or mindset.
Some concerning
However, due to the word “series”, it needs to adopt some part of those occupations to suit the storyline of the series. So, it might have some idealistic picture of portraying those occupations in series in order to serve or attract people for entertainment. The other concern issues might be ignored or overlooked also, so you should watch and adapt to use in everyday life.
Development of K-series in the future
In the old days, k-series is merely focusing on love or traditional story. In this day and age, we can see that K-series is trying to portray far beyond those stereotypes such as occupation. And in the future k-series are able to portray people in society more diversely to create great communities that consist of many groups of people could be seen more easily on media than these days. Due to the reverse community flow, nowadays not just only does culture from the West have impacts on Asia, but the culture from Asia has many impacts on the West also. According to this, media contents from Asia culture could share universally to portray new things such as culture or people easier than in the past.
If you have an interesting or favorite occupation K-series in your mind, you can share with us under the comment below!