Animal testing is the process of testing out the products that will be used in humans but to make sure that all these products are safe for humans’ skin and health for use by testing out the product on the living animals before using them in humans and launching the product. All of the chemicals have been tested on living animals which may harm and affect their health but people still tested it on the living animal life. Many animals in the lab have been tested for product times and times which caused them bad health conditions such as wounds, burned skin, blind vision, loss of organs and other diseases which led to the end of animal lifespan. Moreover, when animals are no longer eligible in good condition for testing, it may be killed by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, or decapitation when they are in bad condition from testing products. In the process, even though the product is classified as mild, it still physically hurts the animal and also psychologically suffers and stress from being in the lab testing.
Good side of Animal Testing
There are a number of reasons why animal testing is used. One of the main reasons is that animals share many biological and physiological characteristics with humans, making them useful models for studying human diseases and testing potential treatments. Additionally, animal testing can be used to evaluate the safety of new drugs and other products before they are tested on humans. This process of lab testing has been used for centuries to test the safety and effectiveness of new drugs, medical treatments, and other products. Animal testing has several potential benefits or advantage, including the discovery of new treatments for diseases, ensuring product safety, regulation and standardization of testing procedures, ethical considerations, advancing medical research by understanding physiology, and increasing the accuracy and reliability of results by controlling variables
It is important to note, however, that there are also ethical concerns associated with animal testing, and alternatives such as computer models and cell cultures are being developed and used wherever possible to reduce the need for animal testing.
In the meantime, cosmetic and medicine that we commonly use may not develop beautifully produces. The background of the cosmetic and medicine has tested on living animal and cause the pain through physical and psychological, and this process are just to make sure that the product and ingredient will not irritate to human skin.
The Hurt of Animals
Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of non-human animals in scientific research and testing. The practice of animal testing has been used for many years to advance medical knowledge and develop new treatments for human diseases.

Animal testing is mainly in scientific on research, medical, and test for the development of human well-being such medicine, cosmetic product which will be completely safe on human. So, to gain the data and result there is many of animals are used for testing by inject, force feeding, force inhale toxic fume that those chemical tend to be danger. Moreover, there more cruel process like drop the chemical in the animals’ eyes, apply chemical on the animal’s skin, and directly inject chemical in animals’ eyes. For those cosmetics used around the eyes such the mascara that people use today without irritation and danger to the eyes, have to go through the process of testing on animal which cause many numbers of rabbit have to be blind for the rest of their life.
In terms of animals testing refers to testing on living animals for the purpose of researching in biology for effectiveness of the medical products. These testing processes are concerned for human safety on health and environmental care especially on cosmetic, household cleaner, pharmaceutical, and Argo-chemical. Mostly for human safety but not for animal’s well-being. Rodents, rabbits, dogs, and other animals have been involved in laboratory testing in chemical safety for centuries and there are many more species such mice, fish, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, cats, mini-pigs, and non-human primates (monkeys, and in some countries, chimpanzees) that is the most common. More than 115 million animals in worldwide laboratories every year for the furtherance of medicine vaccines and products which include cosmetics but only a few of data concerning these animals in laboratories are published. For instance, in the USA, 90 percent of animals in laboratories are excluded from the US department of agriculture.

Despite the benefits of animal testing, there are also concerns about the ethical implications of using animals in research. Many people believe that it is wrong to subject animals to pain and suffering in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. Animal rights activists argue that animals have their own inherent value and should not be used for human benefit.
“Science and research do not compel us to tolerate…the careless and callous handling of animals in some of our laboratories.”
– Lyndon Johnson
People who are concerned about animal testing raise issues related to animal welfare, ethical considerations, and the reliability of animal testing as a predictor of human reactions. They argue that alternatives to animal testing should be used whenever possible to reduce harm to animals, and that transparency in testing procedures and results is necessary for ethical evaluation.
Alternative Testing
As a result of these concerns, there has been increasing efforts to develop alternative methods of research that do not rely on animal testing. These include cell culture studies, computer modeling, and other approaches that use human tissues and cells to simulate the effects of drugs and other treatments. In addition, the other ways for testing the product safety such as implants the tissue and replacements organs from stem cells on micro ships to imitate the organs function, also on focus. This new innovation is claim that is exactly the same as the real organs but still mostly use in the chemical-biology lab that is focus on medicine and vaccine. Moreover, there is more other way like donation the tissue and organs from the volunteer for studies in biology and disease. This is the substitute way of animal testing that many of cosmetics, such EpiSkin, Mettek andCellSystems GmbH, company are interested in and choose this substitute testing in cosmetic and ingredient rather than testing in animal.
Worldwide Movement
In many countries, there are strict regulations in place to govern the use of animals in scientific research. These regulations require that researchers justify the use of animals in their studies and take steps to minimize animal suffering. However, the use of animal testing remains controversial and is likely to continue to be a topic of debate in the scientific and ethical communities.
Since the year of 1989, most of the cosmetic brand around the world involved in animal testing product. However, later on some of cosmetic product are prevent and against the animal testing process such as The Body Shop who came out for cruelty free and create the campaign to stop animal testing for three decades. Also, The Body shop is being the partner with Cruelty Free International to push out many campaign worlds widely for Union Nation in 2013 to gather the sign for people who support cruelty free for million names which lead to the other country such South Korea, New Zealand, India, and Australia that take an action on animal testing issue. For instance, south Korea approved the bill to not do the animal testing in cosmetic industry for the product and ingredients. Moreover, in 2018 there are many more countries such Brazil, Russia, and United States that just has the measure to prevent the animal testing especially in cosmetic. India has released the dog in laboratory for more than 200 from lab because of the newest strict policy on animal testing from the government. The latest from Taiwan that approve the policy on cruelty free which restrict the process of animal testing and the product that is test on animals on health and sanctuary bill in 2019. In Thailand, the government is still in the processes of discuss with Cruelty Free International organization about the preventing of animal testing in Thailand and others.
“Testing cosmetics on animals is a cruel, outdated and unnecessary practice. Our nation’s largest trading partner — the European Union — has banned the sale of animal-tested cosmetics and proven it is possible to produce safe cosmetics without harming animals.”
– Bob Barker
The Campaign
The campaign of cruelty free which is the campaign against animal testing that aims to reduce the harm to animals and create awareness to the people especially on the customer to support the brand who does not harm the animal.

How to know which brand is not testing on animal?
The customer can easily notice from the sign on the product.
- Cruelty Free
- Cruelty Free & Vegan
- Not Tested on Animals
- No Animal Testing
- We Never Tested on Animals
- Lapping Bunny
Last but not lease, we all human has a lot of advantage from the animal testing and we all had been involved with the cruelty issue that has happen to animal. There is the alternatives way to tested out the product that the living animal will not be hurt and people will stay safe and healthy with the product chemical. Then, why would we still support for cruel process to another living creature? It is time now to start the change to preventing more and more animal getting hurt just only for human benefit. Let’s go support for the brand who give heed to the living animal.