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/*! elementor – v3.5.6 – 28-02-2022 */
.elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px}BULLYING SHOULD BE PROHIBITED.

What exactly is a bully? Why are you being a bully? 

Bullying, teasing, slander, provoking, ridicule, gossip, and bringing physical and mental harm to others are all examples of bullying.  Such harmful behaviors impact the opposite party Bullying is prevalent in Thailand today, affecting people of all ages and walks of life, including students, workers, and retirees. The Negative Effects of Other Bullies, which cause the offender to feel melancholy, stressed, depressed, scared to socialize, or, worst of all, to commit suicide because it is inappropriate, embarrassing, and he or they do not want to live.


And how can we tell if we are bullying others? 

Perhaps a brashly simple concept is a ruse for the actual thing. Our listeners may be traumatized, but they may not express it to us. However, we should keep an eye on the people we’re teasing. Has he developed a new personality since we mocked him? Apologize and offer consolation if there has been a noticeable change in conduct. However, if you shift a bit, it’s best to change the issue entirely, or perhaps discuss and reconcile with each other to keep from breaking.


Bullying is a real issue in Thai society

According to the survey, Thailand is the world’s second most bullied country. This problem should be eradicated, and no one should accept bullying as usual. Bullying has been a problem in Thai society and worldwide since the dawn of civilization. Both the wrongdoer and the sufferer have suffered due to this situation. Although many people feel that Thailand is a lovely country where people are kind to one another and support one another, data show that approximately 600,000 children are bullied in schools each year. Bullying is most common between 13 and 18 or in high school. Maybe it’s because it’s matured during this period. However, they are frequently fragile in their own right. When students are this age, they are especially in need of self-esteem because some people have distinguishing features that make them stand out. Such as earning more instructor praise than everyone else, having superior grades, or even having a gender that is not the norm. As a result, some people look for ways to demonstrate superiority somehow. Those children may believe that bullying the inferior is cool, and their peers would accept them if they do so.

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.elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}

                                   School is the main source of bullying

Many parents send their children to school to gain knowledge and new experiences that can be applied in the real world. Still, they fail to recognize that school is the source of bullying because children lack the maturity or knowledge to think for themselves about what is right and wrong; they bully their inferior peers without considering the victims’ minds. Bullying in the classroom can take many different forms. For example, discrimination based on physical appearance, including physical impacts such as beatings and even stealing to hide for amusement. 

Many individuals can benefit from the Internet, such as watching clips or videos that make us feel better, but it can also harm us because of its speed, which allows us to receive both good and bad news swiftly. In addition, there is another type of violence in schools, which is cyber-bullying; it is a type of bullying that frequently occurs among students and kids. It uses social media to abuse individuals, such as making derogatory comments about pals to embarrass them, which may not have physical consequences. However, the victims frequently experience a variety of psychological outcomes.  Parents and teachers may not be aware that their child or student has been hurt on the internet if their kid does not speak up. The offender may use the justification to bully others out of wrath or use the words ” I’m just joking, don’t overthink it,” but they have no idea how much anguish the victim is. In many instances may be found in a variety of media. For example, an occurrence in which the victims are mocked until they decide to commit themselves, or some people become sad or have various mental diseases, which, if unlucky, may cause them to be bullied even more because of the external qualities that set them apart from others, the offenders are unaware that the victim’s repercussions may be lethal as an example when a victim develops sadness and anxiety, they may self-harm to the point of suicide. As a result, parents are the ones who will notice their children’s symptoms the most. For example, a child may have a cheery disposition when young, but their conduct changes once they enter school. They are no longer as pleasant as they once were, regardless of how bold or introverted they are. Parents should also be open to talking about their children’s issues. However, it is not every family who understands and cares for their children. Thus, teachers or school workers should pay attention and watch the behavior of every child without prejudice. You should speak up or tell an adult you trust if you are being physically bullied. If speaking up seems too complicated, take a step back. Violence is never the solution and acceptable. You can even try to avoid going to situations where bullying is common. 

Bullying can have a wide range of consequences in your life. Bullying victims are more prone to experience melancholy, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Bullying, especially physical bullying, causes people to be less educated. Bullying has a variety of consequences for people of all ages. Bullying causes children to be afraid of going to school every day, which is unacceptable. Bullying harms many people’s lives. Bullying causes physical and mental harm to the victim, but it also has an impact on the perpetrator. Korea is a culture that despises bullying; several well-known singers and actors have been barred from performing because they bullied others. Even if something is done purely for fun or excitement, the short-term enjoyment can hurt both the victim’s and perpetrator’s inner sorrow and stigma for the rest of their lives.

However, because the impact on both sides is too severe for one youngster to handle, bullying may force those children to miss out on future chances if the issue is not remedied. It would be beneficial. Bullying should never happen to anyone since it can cause physical and mental harm. Preventing the victim from living a regular life to avoid violence and its effects, everyone in society must be aware of the gravity of bullying. Because no one deserves to be treated differently simply because they were born with a distinct set of characteristics or only for the sake of others’ satisfaction, Physical bullying should be prohibited since it has serious consequences such as anxiety, despair, loneliness, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and even suicide. Bullying is ineffective and frequently occurs, which is unacceptable. Bullying causes people to die or not attend school. Bullying is one of the reasons why people suffer from social anxiety or simply despise school.



What exactly is a bully? Why are you being a bully? 

Bullying, teasing, slander, provoking, ridicule, gossip, and bringing physical and mental harm to others are all examples of bullying.  Such harmful behaviors impact the opposite party Bullying is prevalent in Thailand today, affecting people of all ages and walks of life, including students, workers, and retirees. The Negative Effects of Other Bullies, which cause the offender to feel melancholy, stressed, depressed, scared to socialize, or, worst of all, to commit suicide because it is inappropriate, embarrassing, and he or they do not want to live.


And how can we tell if we are bullying others? 

Perhaps a brashly simple concept is a ruse for the actual thing. Our listeners may be traumatized, but they may not express it to us. However, we should keep an eye on the people we’re teasing. Has he developed a new personality since we mocked him? Apologize and offer consolation if there has been a noticeable change in conduct. However, if you shift a bit, it’s best to change the issue entirely, or perhaps discuss and reconcile with each other to keep from breaking.


Bullying is a real issue in Thai society

According to the survey, Thailand is the world’s second most bullied country. This problem should be eradicated, and no one should accept bullying as usual. Bullying has been a problem in Thai society and worldwide since the dawn of civilization. Both the wrongdoer and the sufferer have suffered due to this situation. Although many people feel that Thailand is a lovely country where people are kind to one another and support one another, data show that approximately 600,000 children are bullied in schools each year. Bullying is most common between 13 and 18 or in high school. Maybe it’s because it’s matured during this period. However, they are frequently fragile in their own right. When students are this age, they are especially in need of self-esteem because some people have distinguishing features that make them stand out. Such as earning more instructor praise than everyone else, having superior grades, or even having a gender that is not the norm. As a result, some people look for ways to demonstrate superiority somehow. Those children may believe that bullying the inferior is cool, and their peers would accept them if they do so.

                                   School is the main source of bullying

Many parents send their children to school to gain knowledge and new experiences that can be applied in the real world. Still, they fail to recognize that school is the source of bullying because children lack the maturity or knowledge to think for themselves about what is right and wrong; they bully their inferior peers without considering the victims’ minds. Bullying in the classroom can take many different forms. For example, discrimination based on physical appearance, including physical impacts such as beatings and even stealing to hide for amusement. 

Many individuals can benefit from the Internet, such as watching clips or videos that make us feel better, but it can also harm us because of its speed, which allows us to receive both good and bad news swiftly. In addition, there is another type of violence in schools, which is cyber-bullying; it is a type of bullying that frequently occurs among students and kids. It uses social media to abuse individuals, such as making derogatory comments about pals to embarrass them, which may not have physical consequences. However, the victims frequently experience a variety of psychological outcomes.  Parents and teachers may not be aware that their child or student has been hurt on the internet if their kid does not speak up. The offender may use the justification to bully others out of wrath or use the words ” I’m just joking, don’t overthink it,” but they have no idea how much anguish the victim is. In many instances may be found in a variety of media. For example, an occurrence in which the victims are mocked until they decide to commit themselves, or some people become sad or have various mental diseases, which, if unlucky, may cause them to be bullied even more because of the external qualities that set them apart from others, the offenders are unaware that the victim’s repercussions may be lethal as an example when a victim develops sadness and anxiety, they may self-harm to the point of suicide. As a result, parents are the ones who will notice their children’s symptoms the most. For example, a child may have a cheery disposition when young, but their conduct changes once they enter school. They are no longer as pleasant as they once were, regardless of how bold or introverted they are. Parents should also be open to talking about their children’s issues. However, it is not every family who understands and cares for their children. Thus, teachers or school workers should pay attention and watch the behavior of every child without prejudice. You should speak up or tell an adult you trust if you are being physically bullied. If speaking up seems too complicated, take a step back. Violence is never the solution and acceptable. You can even try to avoid going to situations where bullying is common. 

Bullying can have a wide range of consequences in your life. Bullying victims are more prone to experience melancholy, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. Bullying, especially physical bullying, causes people to be less educated. Bullying has a variety of consequences for people of all ages. Bullying causes children to be afraid of going to school every day, which is unacceptable. Bullying harms many people’s lives. Bullying causes physical and mental harm to the victim, but it also has an impact on the perpetrator. Korea is a culture that despises bullying; several well-known singers and actors have been barred from performing because they bullied others. Even if something is done purely for fun or excitement, the short-term enjoyment can hurt both the victim’s and perpetrator’s inner sorrow and stigma for the rest of their lives.

However, because the impact on both sides is too severe for one youngster to handle, bullying may force those children to miss out on future chances if the issue is not remedied. It would be beneficial. Bullying should never happen to anyone since it can cause physical and mental harm. Preventing the victim from living a regular life to avoid violence and its effects, everyone in society must be aware of the gravity of bullying. Because no one deserves to be treated differently simply because they were born with a distinct set of characteristics or only for the sake of others’ satisfaction, Physical bullying should be prohibited since it has serious consequences such as anxiety, despair, loneliness, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and even suicide. Bullying is ineffective and frequently occurs, which is unacceptable. Bullying causes people to die or not attend school. Bullying is one of the reasons why people suffer from social anxiety or simply despise school.


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